Construction Trades Hub
Interested in becoming an apprentice in the skilled trades?
An apprenticeship in the unionized skilled trades allows you to start a career – debt-free – with access to lifelong learning opportunities at one of the 195 Building Trades Training Centres.
Canada’s Building Trades Unions represents 14 affiliated skilled trades unions and more than 600,000 unionized skilled tradespeople across the country.
Begin your career journey here!

Choose your region and start exploring the many skilled trades options!
There are many career opportunities in the unionized construction industry! Do you know what trade is a good fit for you? Select your region and start planning your construction career.
Start Planning Your Construction Career
The first step in building your career in construction! Here, you have access to:
Career exploration tools
Videos, trade cards, stats & more to learn about the many careers in the construction building trades.
Interactive Learning Hub
Test & build foundational skills, watch training videos, get tutoring and more - and build your skills for a career in the trades!
Connection to available union jobs & information about apprenticeships
Learn how joining a union can support you in your successful career.
Connection to available union jobs & information about apprenticeships
Learn how joining a union can support you in your successful career.
The Virtual Recruitment & Assessment for the Unionized Construction Industry project is funded by the Government of Canada’s Future Skills Centre.
Le projet Centre virtuel de recrutement et d’évaluation pour les travailleurs syndiqués de la construction est financé par le Centre des Compétences futures du gouvernement du Canada.